Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It's Beginning....

.....to look a lot like Christmas!  Since moving into the house over two months ago, I have really struggled to get any decorating done.  Unusual for me, because normally that is something I really enjoy.  Well, I'm starting to feel more like myself again!  This past week or so I have really had fun decorating for Christmas. And I discovered that it is a lot easier to decorate for the holidays when you don't have other "regular" decor getting in the way.

I do have to warn you before we go any further:  There are a lot of pictures, none of which are outstanding.  Also, please try to ignore any dust or dirt you might see.  I said I had felt like decorating, not cleaning!

Here is my decorated mantel.  Just kidding!  I don't have a mantel, so I decorated the top of the piano instead.  I did not purchase anything new - just used things I already had.  I really do love how it all came together.
Love the vintage bird ornament clipped to the star!  It is one of my favorites.

This pretty garland was a clearance purchase a few years back.  I finally took it out of the packaged and used it this year.  I think it adds just the right touch.

Okay, I really did try to wash those spots of the window.  They seem to be permanent. Oh, well.
For something a little quirky I added this old clamp.
Can you see what it says?  "Perfection."
Can you tell what my tree is made of?  It is an old bedspring with mini Shiny Brites.

I try to pick up vintage wooden boxes anytime I can find them really cheap.  This one was a couple dollars at an auction.  It was filled with lots of junky metal goodness.

It felt good to get this done.  I will show you more on another day.  Right now it is time for supper.

{The one thing I ask of the Lord—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,delighting in the Lord’s perfections.... Psalm 27:4}


Anonymous said...

Hi Vanessa! You are so very clever. It looks great! I haven't done ANYTHING for Christmas yet, except buy 2 presents, yes, just 2. I am soooo far behind. I guess I should get off of here and go do some shopping, huh?!? Great pictures, though!! Miss y'all!! Sarah

Don and Dixie said...

Can't wait to see the rest of it! Some year I am going to come to your house for Christmas so I can see it all in person. You have done a wonderful job using things that don't cost a lot. Just a lot of imagination. Glad you are feeling more like yourself. God is good! Beautiful decorations!

Willie said...

Ilove your beautiful Christmas creations. I always like to see what new and creative ideas you come up with. Glad to see the creative you is back to being creative. The housework can always wait. I always say if someone gets it done for me, then more power to them. Hope your family as a blessed Christmas. Love ya Willie

Jill said...

So glad you're feeling better...you're mantle/piano (piantle?) looks great!!

Heidi said...

Hi Vanessa! How fun! Everything looks great! I see a star in almost every photo, very cool icon to tie it all together. The Star brought us Light! I see in one photo you have bulbs in a glass container....I kept looking at that, then it dawnned on me. I have that very Princess House glass vase thing-ie hanging in my kitchen, filled with dried lavender. I do like it better, upside down, filled with ornaments! Guess I'll just fill my (hanging, as is) with ornaments anyway. Great inspiration photo for me!)

And I love wooden tote-tool boxes, too! But I always paint mine white! It's just me..

Merry Christmas SeaSon!
Hugs, Heidi

Corene said...

lovely! I agree that starting with a clean slate is perfect for creating...

Sue said...

Glad to see you posting and feeling better. Love all of your decorations, I haven't done anything yet- zero motivation this year. Luckily my oldest daughter comes home from college today, so she'll get things going!

Linda said...

Good to have you back. I always look forward to see what new creatns you come up with.

Linda said...

Good to have you back. I always look forward to see what new creatns you come up with.