Hello! Once again, this week is getting away from me. I just can't seem to keep up. My Grandpa used to say, "The hurrier I go, the behinder I get." That is how I feel!
Sweet Girl has had a great week! The greatest sound in the world is her giggles. We've gotten to hear some of those this week. Yesterday was a beautiful day for her hippotherapy. Man, I love to see her riding that horse! In the world of Rett Syndrome research there was some promising news this week. I won't go into it all right now (and I don't understand all of it), but every little step takes us closer to a cure!

My boys cut these branches and brought them in to me this afternoon. They are such a pretty shade of red. Thanks, boys!
Now on to the subject of my post. I love magazines! My heart goes pitter-patter when I open my mailbox and a new issue peaks out at me. Just so you know, I do some serious "shopping around" to find cheap subscriptions. I subscribe to a few and do occasionally splurge on a magazine at the store. I look at them over and over. I dog-ear my favorite pages. Then I tear my very favorite pages out and put them in my inspiration folders.

All is not lost, though. Yesterday I received the most beautiful magazine in the mail. I've blogged about it before. You really must have this magazine in your hands to understand how wonderful it is.

Instead of typing in a scripture tonight, I am going to leave you with one last page from life:beautiful. (Remember, you can click on the pictures to enlarge them.)