Today's tip is this: Don't be afraid to ask. If I had hesitated to ask, I would not be the proud owner of this sweet little cabinet. It came from the same auction as my big corner cabinet. This one was attached to the wall in the garage. When it came time to sell everything in the garage, the auctioneer said that one bid would take everything. Ugh! You've got to be kidding me?! I asked about the cabinet and at first he said it wasn't included because it was attached to the wall. He must have noticed my disappointed face because he quickly changed his mind. The problem was that it was still included with all the other yucky garage contents. I did not bid and tried to be satisfied with just my other wonderful cabinet. But I just couldn't do it. I couldn't let the old man who bought the garage junk take this piece. Worse yet, I couldn't let him just leave it there. I sweetly asked him if he would be willing to sell it to me. He said, "Sure. How does $2 sound?" Yes, yes, yes! I will take it! You've just got to ask!
A friend from church is starting a Portable Projects Night. You bring whatever project you are working on (scrapbooking, papercrafting, sewing, etc.) and work on it while visiting with friends. It is a wonderful night out for mommies! Doesn't that sound like fun? Unfortunately I will miss the first one, but I am already starting to think about what sort of portable project I will take to the next one.
Well, we are heading to Houston tomorrow. We go every six months to see Sweet Girl's Rett specialists. I always dread the trip - 8 hours one way for doctor's appointments. I also despise big cities, so I am always a nervous wreck. Oh, well. We do it for our girl. We are taking the boys with us this time, also. We are going to take an extra day to do some fun things like the Space Center. It will be a good way to celebrate Boy #2's 7th birthday. (I've really got to come up with better blog names for my kids, don't ya think?)
I guess that is all for now. Have a great rest of the week!