...they have a beautiful patina?! These aren't the usual shiny silver. They are a beautiful brownish copper. I like them. Does that make you worry about my mental state?
Actually, my mental state might be questionable lately. I mentioned Christmas cards earlier. Well, right before Christmas my husband accepted a new job, in a new town. I'm struggling with this one. I'm not ready to leave this place. Anyway, when I should have been writing the annual holiday letter and addressing envelopes, all I could think about were the upcoming changes. I've decided to postpone the letter until I know more about the move. That way I can update everyone on our new address, etc. Right now the plan is for Hubby to start the job at the end of this month. He will live in an apartment on campus and the kids and I will stay here and try to get the house sold. I really don't like to talk about it, so that is all I will say for now. I'll share more as I can.
Well, the guys are off to a Harlem Globetrotters game. Sweet Girl and I are home alone for the evening. She's not happy right now. I think she is tired. So am I. I think I will go snuggle with her on the couch for awhile. It will do us both some good, I'm sure.
Love the cards and the new find. Glad the cape is working for Sweet Girl. Will pray for your "mental state". We love you.
The card is lovely! Oh, I would love it if someone gave me an Audubon book! Just think of the bird things I could make... I needed birds for my spoon magnets I made at Christmas (as gifts)...and I had such a hard time finding pictures. I'm going to try and find this book!
A move. A change. A stretch. I'm not sure if I ever posted this on my blog, but we moved so many times when I was growing up that I don't even know how many times! My father specialized in starting churches. (He'll be 81 in a few weeks and STILL is a pastor of a church!) Your blog name is sort of a premonition of what's to come: Bloom where you're planted, cut it's right here, no matter where you are! God bless!
Hope you are feeling better, Vanessa. Many blessings to you all during your time of transition.
Love Sweet Girl's cape :)
Well, I tried to leave a comment, this might be a duplicate. Love your bird card, it's gorgeous! And those paper clips, well, we are in the same "state" cause I would have grabbed those two. Enjoy snuggle time with your sweetie girl.
The cape is awesome and so beautiful - your daughter looks so sweet in it!!
Love the cards and the find...I hope you all have a great weekend - take care of you!!!
The cape is lovely and I love the items you've made. I too have a hard time with change. I was just telling dh that I am much happier in my own little abode than anywhere else. Good luck, sweetie, with the move.
Love your thrift store finds, and the beautiful cards you made...I know every time I've found out we have to move, my world comes crashing down. Wishing you strength... and now I'm curious what part of the US you'll be in!
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