Thursday, August 2, 2007

Party Hats

From this..... this!

I am supposed to be packing so we can leave for Colorado in the morning. Instead, I decided to work on some party hats for the sweet girl's tea party. I picked up these hats/crowns from a thrift store for 25 cents/package. Since they are slightly outdated I thought it would be cute to "foof" them up a bit. I really kep this one pretty simple. We'll use this for an example and let the little girls at the party do their own.

See that silver ric rac? It was in my stash that I'm sure I picked up at a thrift store somewhere. When I opened it today I realized that it is self-adhesive! It is Wright's from 1986. I'd love to come across some more of that. It sure makes projects go a lot quicker when I don't have to mess with glue.

We leave in the morning so this will be my last post for a little over a week. Well, I might manage to post while we are gone. I'll just wait and see. I am getting excited about the tea party and the Rett Syndrome Strollathon. If you would, please say a prayer for our safe travel and good health. Thank you!